Can I Get Tinnitus From TMJ?

Do TMJ disorder and tinnitus or ringing in the ears share a connection? Furthermore, what does it mean if you have a headache accompanied by ringing in your ears? This post will cover the link between TMJ disorder (TMD) and the most common ear noises, such as hissing, buzzing, crunching, ringing, pulsating, roaring, and clicking.

What is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is a noise in one or both ears that no one else can hear. It affects 15-20% of people, but it isn’t a disease. Tinnitus is a symptom caused by various other conditions.

What is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder is a condition that causes pain in the jaw and facial muscles. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the lower jaw to the skull. TMJ disorder can be caused by several things, including teeth grinding, clenching, trauma, arthritis, and teeth or jaw misalignment.

What is the Connection Between Tinnitus and TMJ Disorder?

Although scientists have not concluded whether tinnitus and TMJ disorder are connected, many people who suffer from the latter also experience the former. Some experts believe the two might be related because they share causes like muscle tension and nerve damage in regions like the head or neck. Furthermore, both can lead to symptoms like pain or discomfort.

TMJ tinnitus is often cured through TMJ treatment. If you have headers and ringing in your ears, it might be due to a TMJD. To check if this is the case for you, see how changing the position of your jaw changes the noise coming from your ear.

Can TMJ Cause Tinnitus?

TMJ originates right in front of the ear. Some nerves from the jaw area go to the TMJ. If there is inflammation or discomfort in the TMJ, it might change how your ear hears sounds. This could make you hear a sound that does not exist. Also, if there is an injury to the discs in the TMJs, it might make clicking or crunchy noises that people near you can hear.

Occasionally, ringing can be the only TMJ symptom. The good news is that tinnitus associated with TMJ may be managed and will go away due to treatment. Patients who had TMJ issues were three times more likely than those who did not have ear ringing.

How TMJ Tinnitus Treated?

When you undergo TMJD therapy, one of the most noticeable changes you might notice is a change in facial alignment. If you had an underbite previously, your chin might appear more balanced and level with the rest of your face. Patients with overbites frequently claim to observe a stronger-looking chin and a clearer jawline.

If you notice any of the issues described above, please do not hesitate to contact us. Ignoring problems may result in more severe consequences if left untreated.

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