How Effective is Invisalign Teen?

Invisalign Teen is a modern, invisible way to straighten teen teeth without the problems that can stem from traditional metal braces. Invisalign helps straighten teeth without the use of wires and brackets. Instead, Invisalign involves using a series of aligners that are custom-made for your mouth and bite. They are clear making them almost invisible. Teens wear them over their teeth and change them out for new aligners about every two weeks. They gradually shift the teeth into the desired position.

Are Invisalign aligners as effective as traditional braces?

The short answer is yes. When aligners are worn according to the recommendations made by your dentist in Saginaw, MI, they can be as effective as traditional braces. Invisalign Teen is effective for mild to severe cases. They are a suitable treatment option for an overbite, underbite, gaps, and overcrowding. In most cases, teens are good candidates for the use of Invisalign aligners to straighten their teeth. To be certain, you can visit with your Saginaw pediatric dentist. After an examination, Dr. Schau can explain if your teen is a good candidate and how beneficial aligners may be in their case.

Practical Advantages of Invisalign Teen

Aligners are custom-made for your teenager’s teeth. They are worn over the teeth and are changed every two weeks. As the teeth move gradually into their correct positions, a new aligner is worn. There are some practical and distinct benefits besides being as effective as traditional braces for straightening teeth. Here are a few of the advantages to using Invisalign Teen.

Aligners are Removable

Unlike traditional braces, aligners are removable. For teens who play sports, this alleviates the concerns about getting hit in the mouth and causing damage to the braces. Teens who play instruments in band can remove the aligner so they can play instruments more comfortably. Also, when wearing traditional braces, there are some restricted foods like popcorn, apples, and carrots. The aligners used with Invisalign teen can be taken out so that enjoyable and healthy foods can be eaten. Since they are removable, brushing and flossing are also much easier.

Teens Feel Less Self-Conscious

Parents understand teens go through a lot of challenges during their teen years, especially when it comes to their self-image. Teens can be very self-conscious about crooked teeth. But they can also be as self-conscious about the solution when it is traditional braces. Invisalign Teen aligners are nearly invisible which can be helpful for reducing anxiety about needing to wear them.

Saves a Lot of Time

Since they don’t need adjustment and there isn’t any hardware to adjust or repair, teens won’t have to spend as much time with a dental professional. Follow-up visits are scheduled for about every four to six weeks to ensure treatment is progressing as it should.

Invisalign is Effective

Invisalign Teen aligners are just as effective as traditional braces as long as teens wear them as recommended by your dentist in Saginaw, MI. Most teens are good candidates for Invisalign. Of course, effective treatment requires responsibility on the part of the teen. Metal braces are more involved since orthodontists often prescribe headgear and elastic bands along with the many visits to their office to tighten and adjust the braces. With Invisalign Teen, teens just have to wear the aligners and take them out for eating, oral hygiene, sports, and playing instruments. They can even take them out for a date or prom if they like, as long as they put them right back in.

Contact Dentist Jennifer Schau

If you are interested in Invisalign Teen aligners for your teenager, please contact our Freeland family dental offices to schedule an exam. Schedule an exam to determine if your teen is a good candidate for aligners.

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